Some of My Best Friends Are Still Democrats

Published January 20, 1999

I’m a voter with a checkered past.  I’ve voted an equal number of times for Republican and Democrat presidential candidates.  I’ve voted for an Independent.  I voted once for President Clinton.

I’m having trouble finding a label that fits me.  Left Wing Liberal or Right Wing Radical, the label I most remember is the 60’s epithet, Bleeding Heart Liberal.  It hints at why I find the Democratic party often appealing and why some of my best friends are still Democrats.

I admire Democrats for taking up the cause of the down-trodden.  I admire them for looking at the good qualities of all people.  I cheer when they uphold the rights of the minorities, women, and the unfortunate.

It’s wonderful to watch the debates during the impeachment process and see so many women and minority members of Congress now participating in national politics.  Bill Clinton and the Democratic party have done much to make this possible.  That’s why the current party divisions over impeachment make me wish I could agree with Democrats.

            If only the Democratic party could look to the cause of the under-dog for a sense of why I can’t abide the damage President Clinton has done to our justice system.

History is filled with examples of blacks, Mexicans, Indians, and women who suffered injustice.  The darkest marks against American justice are those times when power, money, and white supremacy kept a white American out of jail or put a minority person into jail.  No minority has escaped prejudice.

Democrats, among others, fought entrenched prejudice.  Better yet, they have opened their arms, encouraging full political participation for women and minorities.  They have fought hard to uphold a justice system that treats all Americans equally and fairly.

I am truly saddened today to see how fiercely Democrats, to the man or woman, will fight to provide preferential legal treatment to a powerful, rich, white leader in a legal system that would not hesitate one minute to convict a poor, common, minority citizen.

Is there any Indian, black, or Mexican citizen who doubts they would suffer the severest legal penalties for perjury?  In years past, most of my best friends would have demanded equal treatment under the law.  What has changed?

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