Jane 12 (2015)



Jane Jimenez, a mother of two, lives with husband and supporter Victor in metro Phoenix, Arizona.  Coming of age in the sixties, Victor and Jane each benefited from growing up in secure, loving two-parent homes.

In 1970, a freshman at Arizona State University, Jane met Victor at a Inkwell Bluefamily barbecue.  Love struck!  On their first date, Victor had to check in at the front desk in Jane’s dorm, paging her to come down to meet him in the lobby.  Jane was due back at the dorm at midnight…per the curfew of the women’s-only dorm.  The dorm rules would soon change…along with many other things on campus and in American culture.

Years quickly passed.  Jane and Victor married, had children, bought a home and pursued their individual careers.  Jane spent eleven years teaching in public elementary schools, working with students from third through eighth grades.  As all teachers must, she concentrated on teaching children the essentials of math, reading, writing, social studies, and science.  And as many teachers do, she wondered if those were the subjects most needed by her students.  Was something missing? In 1996, Jane left classroom teaching with the firm conviction that, more than the basic three of reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic, today’s students need to explore their connection with humanity and their place in this world.

Today Jane is a freelance writer dedicated to issues of importance to women and the family.  Her work has appeared in local and national publications.  A special focus of her writing has been the changing sexual mores that began in the 60s and helped define her college years at Arizona State University.

Inkwell Tiny



  • FROM THE HOME FRONT – This website and radio outreach is dedicated to helping adults and young people evaluate the sexual and relational values put forward in the modern American culture.  You may not like everything you read or hear…but it will certainly spin the wheels of thought in your head.  Join the fun.  And contribute to the discussion!   End Scroll
  • THE LOVE THAT CHANGES ME – If Jane has anything of value to say…it owes much to the love that has changed…and continues to change…her from the arrogant, self-righteous person she used to be to the semi-arrogant, semi-self-righteous person she is still struggling to control, manage, and change.  Join her in the battle.  At the very least, you will feel much better about your own struggles.  End Scroll



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